Our Mission

Our mission is to bring Belarusians and friends of Belarus together, wherever they are based — to share, create, innovate and support each other on the exciting entrepreneurship journey. 

With our workshops and events, we aim to cover all the aspects of business needs and innovation, from Q & A sessions with leading professionals in the field to one-on-one mentorship programs, business advice, guidance, and more!

Our Values

Freedom & Democracy

Freedom of speech is the foundation of the modern democratic society. We believe that true innovation can only come from a place where freedom has flourished. In our Business Association Sprava, we encourage open discussion and sharing of different ideas and perspectives. 

Team Spirit & Mutual Respect

The ancient proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.” We believe that we’re only as good as our team, together. In Sprava, we support and cherish each other, treating everyone equally and with respect. Joining our association, you can be confident that you’re not simply achieving your business goals — you’re also finding like-minded partners, for life!

Global Innovation & Impact

One day Steve Jobs said, “I want to put a ding in the universe.” And then an iPhone was created. “There’s a way to do it better – find it,” said Thomas A. Edison before creating a lightbulb. We support all our members in their aspirations and ideas, creating an ideal environment for you to grow, and for your business to flourish.